- BB's birthday is January 1st - a New Years baby!
- After losing their car keys while touring in Eastern Canada, BB & The Hubcaps were forced to spend the night in a haunted theatre!
- A few days later, their car was stolen (along with everything inside -clothes, guitars, drums -everything!) leaving them stranded in Halifax.
- While touring in Winnipeg, the band played a show with an actual dead body stuck in the wall! The DJ of the club had died there weeks before and had not yet been found!
- BB has been in several movies (often playing himself) and a few documentaries.
- Has driven (and still drives) some pretty ridiculous distances to play shows - Once drove 24 hours straight- alone - to get to a show. Will someone buy the man a map, please?!
- Played drums on a buncha shows for hero GERARD VAN HERK (80's sludgeabilly duo DEJA VOODOO/ OG Records).
- A Police Officer in Ontario once gave him $20 as a tip after a show because his performance was so "fresh"!
- Has own brand of hair grease, "Nice 'n' Greasy", made by American Greaser Supply.
- Was asked by a bowling alley near his hometown to be the spokesman for their new burger, The Degeue ("Disgusting Burger" translated)!
- Was banned from entering the USA for 5 years (2006-2011)
- On a recent trip to Iceland, BB was treated like total crap by the management where he was staying. When this was mentioned to the promoters they said "we will make it our mission to bring this guy down"! It started a media hailstorm, the story being picked up radio, tv, newspapers, etc...The last message BB received from the promoters was "the hotel guy has been flushed" - YIKES!!
- Stayed in the room where a brutal murder had happened just weeks earlier - with bloods stains still on the wall! Took a bath there and later found out that's where they found all the body parts - DOUBLE YIKES!!
- Won first prize in the Guitar contest at Heavy Rebel Weekender in 2005. First prize was a guitar pedal that was made in a Jack Daniels tin box, with wires everywhere inside - It looked like he was carrying a bomb when he was crossing the border!
- Played drums for THE GORIES one time when Peggy's plane was late.
- Was in a nationwide controversy when he was asked to play a St.Jean festival (celebrating the province of Quebec) because he does not sing in French....even though he was born in Quebec, raised in Quebec and still lives in Quebec, they didn't see him as being a Quebecois! Welcome to La Belle Province!
- Once played a show in a giant fridge, and another time in a giant igloo.
- On a dare, once drank 9 expressos about 15 minutes before a show in Italy. Claims steam was coming from his chest.
- Puked a few times on stage (and a few times off- heh heh). Not such a big deal, but when a one man band stops to puke all the music stops and all you hear is "bleecch! splash! bleeech! splash! bleeech! splash!" The crowd in Switzerland even gave him a standing ovation (ok, they were standing already but you know what we mean..).
- Trashed one of his guitars on stage by smashing it to bits with a bass drum after having a bit too much to drink one night...stupid but fun.
- Had a guitar stolen that he forgot outside his house....stupid but no fun.
- A half hour before his set at CBGB's, his car was broken into. Theives made off with his guitar and some clothes.
- He once emptied an ashtray into a pitcher, then passed a hat around saying that if more than $60 was collected he would swallow the contents of the pitcher. He didn't count the money, just "drank" the pitcher anyways! He had to take a break after the next song to go outside and puke it up, but came back and did another set.
- Walmart was once selling a "bootleg" t-shirt with BB's Thunder & Lightning album cover image on it!
... Check Back Soon as dying braincells recall MORE Trivia!