"One of the more standout presences in the obscure music world today"
"He sways to the rhythm. He shakes his head back and forth, side to side"
"Growlin’, hootin’ and hollerin’ his way through his set with reckless abandon"
"A man who forgoes reinventing the wheel to simply pummel it back into shape"
"His joyfully sinister voice that injects a potent syringe-ful of weirdness"
"By far one of Montreal's finest exports"
"During an insane, sweaty, barefoot, pajama-clad solo set of the psycho-trash-blues-punk whatever music he plays his all-foot drumming was genuinely remarkable, his lightning fast guitar playing was bizarrely rich-sounding and weird, and his froglike vibrato alien creature singing was otherworldly. And he spits really good.And his interplay with the audience was magical. Un-fucking-believable show!"
"Never miss an opportunity to see this genius in the bloodshot flesh!"